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MAFS UK: More trouble hinted behind the scenes for George and April

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작성자 Dwain 작성일 22-12-08 05:36


's Adrian hints at more trouble behind the scenes of George and April's relationship during a fiery Commitment Ceremony last night.
Adrian Sanderson told the group he 'had something to say for weeks' after George Roberts took to the expert's couch expressing his desire to make his relationship with April work.
But Adrian put his hand up to say that he had something to say instead: 'You know what I've actually had something to say for weeks.' 
Nervous: Married At First Sight UK's Adrian hinted at more trouble behind the scenes of George Roberts, (pictured) and April's relationship during a fiery Commitment Ceremony
Issue: Adrian Sanderson, (left) told the group he 'had something to say for weeks' after George took to the expert's couch expressing his desire to make his relationship with April work
The digital designer, 37, who is married to Thomas Hartley, 31, a mental health care assistant, was not happy when George took to the sofa saying he wanted to give his relationship with April another shot.
'I don't trust April yet with all of my insecurities and that's not April's fault,' George told the experts.

'I guess it's a fear of rejection or humiliation of letting somebody into your life and them disappearing again. But I feel like they're outside factors causing a problem.'

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April added: 'A lot of people were calling me fake and our relationship fake. It really hurt.'
George continued: 'Let's put it straight, one particular person has decided to make known and voice his opinion between the group and I've had enough of it.'
Paul asks: 'Who are you talking about?

Just so we know.'
Breaking point: 'I don't trust April yet with all of my insecurities and that's not April's fault,' George told the experts (pictured next to April Banbury, right)
Help: April added: 'A lot of people were calling me fake and our relationship fake.

It really hurt'
George frustratingly said 'Thomas,', while Thomas put his hand up with a fake grin and says 'Me!', leaving Paul to ask what April's issue was, responding that Thomas was 'telling everyone else that I was fake and I felt attacked'.
When asked if he wanted to respond, Thomas shook his head and said 'I've got nothing to say.'
But Adrian put his hand up to say that he had something to say instead: 'You know what I've actually had something to say for weeks.'
George immediately pipes up and firmly says 'Adrian,' who says 'No George, we sat and we had this conversation,' but George continues to tell him 'Leave it!'
Adrian said: 'When George wasn't in a good spot with April, he wanted my ear.

He wanted to listen. I absolutely supported him and I was thanked for that.'
Again, George cuts him off and says: 'Well Adrian I've got something that I want to fight for.'
Rage: Thomas storms off after George calls his outburst 'The Thomas Show', telling the group: 'I've got too much stuff going on in my personal life to listen to this liar, I've had enough'
April cuts in and says: 'Guys, I'm not here for this drama, I want to focus on our relationship,' to which Thomas quips: 'You're a liar April.'
Thomas storms off after George calls his outburst 'The Thomas Show', telling the group: 'I've got too much stuff going on in my personal life to listen to this liar, I've had enough.

You're a liar, your relationship is fake and I've had enough.
Once again, Adrian tries to tell the group something but is cut off by George who gives him a firm look as he interrupts him while saying 'Can I please say this because this is...
right hang on, OK so let me finish.'
Expert Paul Brunson quickly calls time on that argument - leaving audiences in the dark as to what information Adrian was about to divulge about George: 'You can continue to do this but you are going to respect the forum, and on top of it if you don't want to you can leave just like Thomas did.'
George, a financial advisor from Worcester, has confided in Adrian a few times during the process and the pair seem to have a strong friendship.
On Tuesday's episode George was in tears as he sat on Adrian's sofa describing how upset he was about April's 'lies' regarding her ex-boyfriend.
Not happy: Once again, Adrian tries to tell the group something but is cut off by George who gives him a firm look as he interrupts him while saying 'Can I please say this...'
Couple: The digital designer, 37, (right) who is married to Thomas, (left) a mental health care assistant, was not happy when George took to the sofa expressing his feelings about April
The ex-beauty queen, 33, and George got into multiple arguments after he found out she lied about her ex-boyfriend Ryan Darvill who she met on ITV reality show The Cabins.
George found out she had missed key details in her relationship history with Ryan after he said he 'Googled her date of birth' to find her Wikipedia page detailing their three-month love affair - but she described it to him as just a fling.
Upset with not knowing the ins and outs of her past love life, George and April came to blows - leaving him to confide in Adrian and gain advice on how to deal with the situation. 
It comes after Tuesday's show which saw George hinting at more traumatic scenes with his wife April - which were not shown on camera. 
Viewers saw the pair caught up in an explosive argument with Thomas Hartley after he branded them a 'fake couple', prompting George to explain: 'We've been through a hell of a lot between us and there's a lot of stuff that we can't bring to the [commitment ceremony] couch.' 
The scenes were filmed earlier this year before it emerged that the couple have since split and April, 33, is now in therapy after the 'traumatic' relationship.
It has also been revealed that George, 40, was allowed to take part in the E4 show despite three of his exes complaining to the police about his alleged abusive behaviour
Tension had been brewing between the newlyweds after Monday's episode, when Thomas labelled April a 'b**ch' and a 'liar' before saying she was: 'The fakest person here', leaving the former beauty queen in tears.
Discussing the fallout, April was seen telling George in private: 'Yesterday was a horrible day. 
'People were calling me fake because I wasn't talking about our relationship.

I don't think it makes me fake because I don't want to talk about things. 
'Thomas was the one who said our relationship was fake.'
Quick to stand up for his partner, George scoffed: 'Well congratulations Thomas, that's what he always does.
Thomas is a disgraceful human being and he doesn't deserve any right to be surrounded by good people.'
Intervene: Expert Paul Brunson (centre) quickly calls time on that argument - leaving audiences in the dark as to what information Adrian was about to divulge about George
As April confessed, 'Thomas said he thinks im going to hurt you', George hit back: 'I don't give a f**k what Thomas thinks.

Thomas is a disgusting human being, just a nasty piece of work.' 
Later in the episode, all the couples came together for a dinner party and the topic was rehashed as Thomas declared: 'I thought that George and April were the fakest couple...'
George interjected: 'F**k my actual life you've got your opinion that's fine,' as April reasoned: 'You don't know what happens...'
After Thomas insisted: 'I know enough', April responded: 'George and I are quite private people. 
'I'm quite rational he's quite emotional and that's not a bad thing.

I don't talk about our relationship to anyone apart from Whitney [Hughes] because I don't feel like I have to. 
'But when we have an argument behind closed doors we resolve it and then we don't want to rehash it as it's hard to get back to that place.'
An exasperated Thomas responded: 'Youse are protecting each other too much and not allowing the thing to be actually resolved,' to which April replied: 'We're going to bring everything to the couch.

It's not like we're hiding everything because we're not.'
Jordan Emmett-Connell then jumped in as he asked: 'When you sit on the sofa there's a lot you're holding back and it frustrates us all - how do you develop?'
George replied: 'We've been through a hell of a lot between us and there's a lot of stuff that we can't bring to the couch.' 
A perplexed Chanita Stephenson asked: 'How much have you got to bring to the couch?

What do you mean?!' 
'We've been through a hell of a lot that we can't bring to the couch': George Roberts hinted at unaired trauma with April Banbury on Tuesday's episode of Married At First Sight UK
George continued to hint at the unaired trauma, responding: 'We've one through a lot...

why hit us now four weeks in when you could've said something earlier?'
Over the weekend April went into further detail about the failure of her relationship with George.
She wrote on her Instagram page: 'The traumas that have been brought on from this show have made me re-evaluate things.
'I really have and I'm not ashamed to admit, I have been seeing a therapist ever since.'
A Channel 4 spokesperson told MailOnline: 'Contributor care and safety is our priority at all times throughout this production and we ensure robust contributor care and safety protocols are in place.
It's over: The scenes were filmed earlier this year before it emerged that the couple have since split and April, 33, is now in therapy after the 'traumatic' relationship
'Appropriate support is available to contributors before, during and after filming and broadcast, including access to our experts and an independent psychologist.'
Last night, Paul continued to calm the situation down during the Commitment Ceremony: 'George and Adrian, clearly there is a relationship that needs to be rebuilt if you're interested, but I want to get back to the two of you [April and George].
April says: 'I want to know how I can stop letting people's opinions affect me and affect us.'
Paul gives some sage advice: 'The heart of the issue is trust.

Is that what we're talking about here? Three things... It's about consistency, it's about compassion, it's about transparency. So which of the three are missing?'
George says that when they're together they have transparency but 'other people' affect that transparency, while April adds that other people's input makes them both question things. 
Mel Schilling adds: 'The language that you're using there is "They made me," so you're talking about this and what's going on here as though you have no control over this situation.
Wedding hell: It comes after MailOnline exclusively revealed April dumped her TV husband and was living alone at her luxury London flat after her on-screen marriage went wrong
'Imagine that you could create your own imaginary shield around the two of you and that all the toxicity that comes your way is just going to slide away.

That's the kind of imagery I'd like you to start using.'
Paul adds: 'When you who are at a place where you can fully trust each other, that shield will appear automatically.'
The pair both vote to stay for another week - despite the increasing pressure within their relationship and more 'fake' titles handed to them by their co-stars. 
The explosive scene on Tuesday and Wednesday night aired after MailOnline exclusively revealed that April has dumped her reality-TV husband and is now living alone at her luxury London flat after her on-screen marriage went wrong.
She had already admitted she is in therapy following her marriage to divorced father-of-four George and was spotted in tears on Monday as she attempted to piece her life back together amid the public fallout. 
She suggested that she split from the divorcee following allegations of his 'abusive', 'obsessive' and 'manipulative' behaviour by three former girlfriends. 
Now she has returned to her £750,000 apartment in south London - without 'husband' George.
How it ended: The first picture showed the pair cuddling but the second picture showed her looking away as George starred at her angrily (pictured) 

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